Tag Archives: sunset

Mountain sunset, photo by Donna Greene


Novem­ber is one of my favorite months, part­ly because Thanks­giv­ing is my favorite hol­i­day. The sun­sets this time of year are breath­tak­ing and I am able to reflect on so many things that I am grate­ful for. This is a pho­to I took one evening when the sky was just incred­i­ble in any direc­tion I looked. Life offers each of us much to be thank­ful for.

Texture and color

Focusing your vision

I tend to look for the small details in life… the way some­one looks at anoth­er per­son, the way the light hits a cloud as the sun goes down, the beau­ty of col­or and tex­tures found in every day life.

This is just a reminder to stop and look for the beau­ty and details in your world instead of let­ting them pass you by.

Clouds, photo by Donna Greene

Random things I’m loving right now

Winter sunsets

The col­ors and tex­tures are amaz­ing to me. The pho­to shown above is one that I took a cou­ple nights ago. Cap­tur­ing just the right moment is the trick, since the light changes so quickly.

fresh strawberriesFarmers Market and the beginning of strawberry season

These organ­ic beau­ties are grown local­ly and are as deli­cious as they look. Won­der­ful just by them­selves, or on some steel cut oats for break­fast. What a great way to start the day. Only prob­lem is… they’re gone before you know it!

Mange TooMange Too

A Christ­mas or two ago, my niece got me some Ocean Salt by Lush. It’s a great face and body scrub that leaves my skin feel­ing great. I got a few gifts there recent­ly and picked up a lit­tle some­thing for myself. It’s a mas­sage bar, but works equal­ly well as a mois­tur­iz­er dur­ing win­ter months or when­ev­er my skin is feel­ing dry. The Mange Too has a won­der­ful scent of hon­ey and choco­late. When I rub it in my hands, it melts just enough to coat my skin.

Crazy pajama slipper partyGirlfriend parties

I was recent­ly invit­ed to one of my girl­friends’ birth­day par­ties. She is quite a char­ac­ter and we have a lot in com­mon. She want­ed to have a ‘Crazy Slip­pers and Paja­ma Par­ty’ as she turned 40. We all brought a brunch item and hap­pi­ly indulged and cel­e­brat­ed her enter­ing her 40’s, com­plete with belli­nis. It was great!

Bobcat sightingPeriodic wildlife sitings

This bob­cat wan­dered down the dri­ve­way the oth­er day. I just love when that hap­pens. I love it even more if I have my cam­era with tele­pho­to lens handy.