Monthly Archives: October 2013

First rain

First rain of the season

Yes, we’re final­ly get­ting a lit­tle rain. Just a gen­tle rain to start out the sea­son. It was very wel­come and I did­n’t even mind that it came down while I was swim­ming. Why should I?
I looked for a rain­bow, but it was appar­ent­ly down by the beach, out of view. Hap­py Fall!

Welcome Oskar!

Welcome, Oskar!

We had the best start to Octo­ber!! Oskar was born on Octo­ber 5th and is so beau­ti­ful! The fam­i­ly is doing fine and every­one is well. I’m very hap­py that they are close by and I’ll be able to spoil Oskar ade­quate­ly! He’s a trea­sure. {sigh}