Category Archives: Positive change

Dead wood

Dead wood

One of the chal­lenges that we’ve tak­en on around here is the clear­ing of our prop­er­ty. Cal­i­for­nia is suf­fer­ing quite a drought and liv­ing a bit out-in-the-sticks, in a canyon no less, can be a bit scary to say the least. So clear­ing dead wood and brush is always a good idea. It’s been quite a project.

One of the ben­e­fits is that the hawks and owls have been hang­ing around more since it’s easy pick­ins’… there’s basi­cal­ly nowhere for the rodents to hide.  I cer­tain­ly have no objec­tion, since the varmints have eat­en most of what I’ve plant­ed. Yes, what the gophers don’t get from under­neath, the chip­munks, squir­rels, rab­bits, and an occa­sion­al deer take care of. There are also mice and rats around these parts. And they’re all pret­ty cute until your invest­ment in time, effort and mon­ey is wiped out basi­cal­ly overnight. And fruit trees ain’t cheap, I can tell ya!

And of course, oth­er ben­e­fits are fire­wood and wood chips. And those cer­tain­ly come in handy.


Love yourself

Feb­ru­ary is the month of love. Most every­thing seems to be about lov­ing some­one else, being some­one’s Valen­tine… just look at music. Some­where around 99% of the songs writ­ten are about love. But it turns out lov­ing your­self is a big part of it. You’ve no doubt heard it said that you need to love your­self before you can love oth­ers. It’s true. One way you can love your­self is to make sure things in your life are ‘hap­pen­ing.’ Maybe you spend most of your time slog­ging along hop­ing to keep up with the pace of life. Mean­while, your stuff gets neglect­ed. You’ve been mean­ing to improve your image in busi­ness, get a web­site up, a logo designed, but noth­ing ever seems to get done. Some­times, you just need to put every­thing else aside and make sure YOU are tak­en care of. In fact, it should be your pri­or­i­ty. The fact of the mat­ter is, it’s real­ly nec­es­sary in our cur­rent envi­ron­ment. It’s so basic… a foun­da­tion you can build on going for­ward. DIY’ers get in there and end up strug­gling through to get some­thing done that might not be the best use of their time. There are peo­ple who do these things pro­fes­sion­al­ly and can make a huge dif­fer­ence in the out­come. Mean­while, you can spend your time doing what YOU do best. So decide to love your­self. Give your­self pri­or­i­ty, and maybe get a lit­tle help in the process. The year is young and full of poten­tial. Get your­self mov­ing in the right direc­tion and watch things start popping.